There is always that possibility though – for any of us! We get out of life what we put in and if there is something that you want – just you know, go get it (within reason, obviously y’all). Every time I visit my home town I am told by any number of people that they’re so proud of me for “getting out”, like I accomplished some wildly unattainable goal that NO ONE ELSE can figure out how to accomplish. I’m not saying it’s just THATEASY to up and move, or that it isn’t scary, or that you shouldn’t plan ahead. Maybe you’ll have to plan for years for it to even be feasible – money doesn’t grow on trees, at least not where I’m from! I’m not saying just get in your car and drive away – but you can make plans toward the things you want and make smart choices, right? No one has chained you to your town, bad relationships, or your crappy job. And just because Nate and I feel like we have many of the things that should make us happy forever, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t actually something just as equally great (if not better) waiting somewhere else! That’s the great thing about life. =)