I rarely use this space as a place to just write. When I write a blog post I want it to be about something. Freewriting doesn’t really feel like it ever falls into one category and so I tend to shy away from it. I find myself thinking that the first post of the new year should be some sort of recap of the previous year. I really enjoy those posts but I haven’t put one together yet. Honestly, I keep coming back to the obvious recap: we had a baby, we sold our house, and we moved into a new house. Those were MAJOR life changes. Did anything else even happen in 2019?
January always pulls in positive feelings of motivation for me like a breath of crisp, fresh air. I am one of those people who loves a new chapter but this year I feel like we are writing the first chapter of an entirely new book. I’ll be thirty-three this year. Cohen will turn ONE. Landon will be five. He’s starting Kindergarten in the fall. Time is not slowing down, not one.
My goal for this year is really simple. I just want to live well. I want to spend my time well. Does that make sense? The seconds of every day slip through our fingers so quickly that we don’t even notice they’re gone. We say we’ll do that one thing tomorrow but will we? This year I don’t want to be too busy for my kids, my husband, my family, my friends. I want my home to be filled with get-togethers and laughter and kids playing. I want to go on at least 2 dates a month with Nate. I want to have girls nights. I want to go to fitness classes, look sunflowermaids.com. I want to spend time in the community enjoying this amazing city. I want to learn to sew and to cook new meals.
So I’m going to do those things and I’m not going to take myself too seriously. I hope you’re feeling positive about the new year ahead and if you aren’t – I hope you’ll join me in choosing a simple goal that you can work toward steadily and without pressure, visit temeculafacialoralsurgery.com. I don’t expect to do all of the things that fall under the umbrella of living well this month but I have picked a few to get started on and that feels really good!