I don’t think I can put in to words what the past two years have meant to me or how wonderful they’ve been. It’s easy to forget sometimes that we didn’t always have all of this – a marriage, a house, pets, real jobs, routines, grocery lists, and bills! And not all of the things that come with being married adults are always fun or wonderful, but they’re ours – together. When we take little trips like the one we just took to San Francisco it gives us time to recharge and be thankful that we’re as fortunate as we are to have each other and to have opportunities to do the things that we love together. And when we get back home I’m reminded of how blessed we are to have a home to come back to, and sweet baby bunnies waiting on our return! This hasn’t been the easiest year and I don’t know what life plans to throw our way next, but I know that together we can handle it.
Nate, I love you and I can’t wait to spend forever with you! I can’t wait to go on more trips, to continue to decorate and add things to our home, and to just continue loving our life. Sometimes we’re messy and our house is messy, sometimes it smells like bunnies (to me – you usually don’t notice), sometimes we let our yard grow a few weeds because we’re too busy out having fun with friends and the neighborhood lawn police sends us stupid warnings in the mail and threatens to fine us (don’t live in a deed restricted community, y’all), sometimes we’re too tired after work to do anything but stare at the TV and eat fast food – but I love all of those things. Sometimes. ;]