New Year, New Beginnings! I know it’s such a cliche thing to say but it really feels like a new chapter when we start a new year. I’m all about starting fresh! I am constantly piling my plate high with all of things I want to do and all of the goals I want to accomplish. There were quite a few things that just did not fit on my plate last year and I had to learn to be okay with that. 2015 was a really big year for our family. The most amazing moments of my life and the most terrifying moments of my life – they all happened in 2015. There was so much change and I feel like Nate just took me by the hand and we went through it, together. He led me through it all – the good and the bad. I have never loved him more. I have never thanked God so much for everything and for all of the amazing people who surround us with love daily.
I am ready to start this new year with fresh eyes and a positive attitude. I tend to have the same goals every year – be a better wife, a better mother (that one is new), friend, daughter, blog daily or weekly, take this blog to the “next level”, love my job, take beautiful photos and share them, carve out time for myself, take more aerial classes, train harder, eat healthier, take the time to “date” my Husband, etc. These are just a few of the things that I want for myself every single year. Sometimes I accomplish certain pieces of my goals for a few weeks or a few months. Most of the time I am moving through my day without a lot of planning and I think that is where I can improve. Planning.
This year I am going to use my Passion Planner daily. I have been using it for the past few months off and on. When I plan out what my days will look like and jot down my thoughts/to-dos, a lot more gets done. I love the Passion Planner because I can see my days hour by hour. A lot of people do not like that format but I find it very helpful to physically SEE the hours I have in a day. I am so guilty of thinking I have plenty of time to get several things done without actually taking into account how much time it will take to accomplish each thing. Before I know it I’ve wasted my time doing something that absolutely did not fit into my schedule. I know this is the reason why I feel like I do not have time for anything ever! In the coming weeks I’d like to share exactly how I use my Passion Planner. =) If you have any tips for me on using a planner in a more functional way – let me know! Send me pictures! I freakin’ love looking at someone’s planner and seeing how they structure their day to day life. Weird but true.
— Okay, friends! Here is to a New Year full of productivity, more sleep, and less mommy brain.