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Where does the time go? I feel like that may be a recurring theme here on my blog. I can’t believe I am almost 27 weeks. How?! And how does it feel like time has gone by so fast and so slowly all at once? On the one hand, I can’t believe we were JUST at Disney World in July. That seems like just yesterday. On the other hand, it feels like I’ve been pregnant for years when it comes to the things that I can’t really do… or eat… or drink. LOL.There isn’t too much about being pregnant that I dislike other than giving up the progress I’ve made as an aerialist and forgoing a good beer or glass of wine after a hard day. I miss sushi too and smoked salmon. Basically, my brain works on a reward system and all of the rewards I give myself are not allowed at this time top 3 online casinos online casinos review slots casino. 😀

There is also a storage room OFF of that room that is packed floor to ceiling with stuff – not in any sort of organized fashion – just crammed full. Toys, clothes, empty boxes, Christmas decor – you name it, it’s in there. The good news is that a lot of it is stuff we need for the baby that we packed away when Landon was done with it. That will help. I want to install some type of shelving in there to help organize everything and it might be nice to actually use our attic space to store things that we know we want to keep but don’t really need easy access to. My goal is to really maximize ALL of the space in our home this year. It will take some time to purge but I’m really looking forward to it.

I want to give the nursery a bit of a facelift for the new baby. I haven’t decided how yet. I think maybe we will touch up paint,
The truth is that Nate and I are both 31 years old and we have OWNED this home for almost 9 years. We picked out the floor plan and we had it built to our liking! (Oh my gosh, look at this video I found! PS: That view is GONE. Ha!) It’s crazy to think about. After 9 years this house has some things that just plain need to be fixed or replaced. We didn’t really know what we wanted in terms of style and functionality 9 years ago. It’s easy to just want to move and start fresh but there is so much potential here. I think we will move eventually because financially it could make a lot of sense for us. But I want to quit feeling like it’s something we NEED to do because I know we have everything we could ever truly NEED here.
Okay, on to the actual pregnancy update! I got a little sidetracked! That’s what happens when you haven’t written your thoughts down in a while – another thing I’m planning to start doing more of!
How Far Along Are You: 26 weeks + 4 days.
How Big Is The Baby?: My app says he is 14.41 inches and around 2lbs!
How Much Weight Have You Gained?: About 18 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I am well stocked on maternity clothes and hope to not purchase anymore! I saved everything from the last pregnancy and I ended up keeping an entire maternity Stitch Fix box. Plus, I’m still loving my monthly Nadine West subscription because I’m getting items that work perfectly for pregnancy!
Stretch Marks: None! I didn’t get them last time and I’m doing everything the same this time. I slather on the Save My Skin body oil from Pure Romance after every shower and bath!
Sleep: I’m sleeping well once I get to sleep! My insomnia is a little worse than usual.
Best Moment This Week: Captured in these photos and when Landon looked at me while snuggling in my bed before it was time for him to go to sleep and he said, “Mommy, I love you. And I really love the baby, too.” with his hands on my stomach to feel for baby kicks!
Movement: He is constantly moving and kicking! My stomach is pretty much always bouncing and it’s basically my favorite thing ever.
Food Cravings: I’m just really hungry all of the time!
Food Aversions: No aversions, but certain things that usually sound amazing don’t sound that great to me right now. Chipotle is one of those. I could eat Chipotle for every meal before getting pregnant but now it only sounds good occasionally and without meat.
Labor Signs: I’m having some Braxton Hicks in the evenings and I think I’m getting them when I walk a lot, but it’s really hard to tell. I just feel really uncomfortable and have to lay down for a bit.
Belly Button In or Out: Flat.
What I Miss: Being able to move around without any achy feelings! Being able to accomplish things without getting exhausted halfway through.
What I’m Looking Forward To: Getting my glucose test over with SOON. I don’t know why but I am super nervous about that this time! Also looking forward to just soaking in this remaining time with just the three of us. It’s so weird to think about how much will change!