Our family trip to Disney World was certainly bittersweet, but full of amazing memories that we’ll always treasure. Things were a little bumpy when we first got down to Florida. My Father-in-law was admitted to the hospital not too long after they arrived in Orlando on Monday. Not to mention, I became extremely ill with breathing problems and ended up at the Urgent Treatment Center earlier that morning. Thankfully things began to look up over the next few days. Tim was released from the hospital and made it to Magic Kingdom two days in a row, just long enough to ride a ride or two (I think ‘It’s A Small World’ was his favorite) and see his grand-babies enjoying themselves. We had wonderful hospice nurses that provided 24 hour care at the hotel and during his visits to the park, and my parents were able to come up from my hometown to help out a bit that Monday night while he was in the hospital. It just really sort of … all worked out for the best. If ever there was a time where I heard God speak loud and clear to me about my inability to just shut up and have a little faith – it was during that trip. Boy do I love to analyze, rationalize, and lean on my own understanding – or lack there of!