Hokay! I’ve been trying to get a few posts up about our trip to San Francisco, but it just hasn’t happened! I trained last week for my new job that I start tomorrow (oh goodness – please pray for me!), had a wonderful Friday evening out with friends, and then had a beyond miserable late night starting around 3AM when I realized I had a UTI. Sorry about the too much information there, but I’ve never felt sicker. Ever in life. I slept a total of two hours that night and had to go to Urgent Treatment as soon as they opened. I’m still feeling pretty rough as we speak. It’s always good to start a new job feeling sick, right? Sighhh. Just – thank goodness this didn’t happen on our trip. I can’t even think about that.
Anyway! We left on Friday, caught our flights without any issues, and got into San Francisco fairly late. We didn’t realize that the rental car place we went with was actually not at the airport and that we had to ride a shuttle bus about 15 minutes away. To a very weirdly dark and sketchy looking rental car place. That looked much less sketchy in the daylight. BUT, not going to lie – I was having some anxiety about being the ONLY people on the shuttle bus and having to pull our rental car (a Dodge Charger) up to a light post to TRY to squint and see if there was anything wrong with it. Yeah. So then we had to find our hotel in the dark and very confusing downtown area that was completely packed with traffic. I’m pretty sure I was just sensing a giant nightmare about to happen when I was feeling anxious at the rental car place… because trying to find our hotel and deal with the one-way street maze that is downtown San Francisco in the dark was a GIANT NIGHTMARE. We finally found it and decided to just pull in to the valet and be done with it. After getting to our hotel room and getting settled we decided to walk to find food. We walked, and walked – nothing open! It was maybe 10:30PM and I could not believe that everything near us was CLOSED. We ended up at Mel’s Drive-In, where I starred blankly and quietly shoved a grilled cheese in my mouth. By this time I had been awake for almost 24 hours and I was pretty much an exhausted basket case.

I’m happy to say that the rest of our trip was lovely, and I can’t wait to share the next day with you all! We always have to have some sort of major fail when we plan a trip so it was nice to get it out of the way right away! ;]