Last night Nate and I had a little date night. It was so fun to get dressed up and go out. We had such a nice time and enjoyed so much delicious food at PF Changs. I swear by the crispy green beans and the garlic noodles. I literally have no food wall when I eat there. I just eat until I’m totally miserable and can’t move. Luckily I was able to control myself this time so we could enjoy the rest of the night. After dinner we headed downtown to one of our favorite local hang out spots, Charlie Browns. We grabbed a couch right in front of the fireplace and pretended we were on a first date. It was pretty corny, but I love stuff like that. ;] I took a few photos of us in front of the Christmas tree before we left..

Today we went out and got a gym membership, spent my $10 in Kohl’s cash, and bought cleaning supplies. Exciting times. I’ve felt pretty moody all day long and it’s been a pretty gross feeling. This has been happening to me a lot lately. I feel a huge burst of happy productive energy and then something, I’m never sure quite what, will change my mood and I will feel like everything is horrible and I’m about to crack. One minute I’m like, “YES – let’s do this!” and the next (sometimes hour, or day) it’s the total opposite and I don’t care about anything. It’s just definitely time to get a handle on it because it’s not fair to me or Nate to keep thinking on my good days that it’s fine. The cycle just repeats again. :\
I did perk up a bit after we got home from our errand running long enough to make my parents a Christmas card and to wrap my Mom’s presents in my own totally handmade wrapping paper. It took like 3 hours, ha! But I had a lot of fun with it. I kept walking over to Nate and showing him what I’d done so far, “Does this look stupid?” … He had to laugh when I realized I had stamped “Chrismas” on the front of the card I’d already worked so hard on. I wasn’t laughing. ;] But I did manage fix it, thank goodness. I was already on the fourth try for that card as it was! Scatterbrain alert.
I am now trying to rush around and do some of the mandatory Sunday chores that I put off due to 3 hours of crafting- like laundry, and actually putting away laundry vs. piling it into the wing back char in our bedroom that we never get to see because it’s always covered in clean clothes. Let’s look forward to three day Christmas weekend ahead, shall we? =)
PS: We bought the cutest white bunny ornament at Kohl’s and it looks just like Biscuit. Now we just need one for Freckles! If you see any speckled bunny ornaments, let me know!