Easter 2016! Oyy! Where has the time gone, friends? Here is my typical “Oh hello! I’m back!” intro. I really can’t believe it’s almost April! I’ve had just about a million blog post ideas swirling in my head that I…
(image credit) I have motivational quotes/sayings pinned all over my Pinterest board, hanging in my office at work, and framed around my home. I like having positivity shoved in my face. I’m one of those people who needs that daily…
Sweet Summer Time & Dreams
Happy Saturday y’all! Last week was jam packed – just like I knew it would be! Without going into all of the mundane details, let’s just say that I am very glad that my sweet summer Saturday is finally here!…
Pieces of The Days: Another Weekend
Sunday lunch at Logan’s Roadhouse. Yes, I’m aware that one of my eyes looks bigger than the other! This weekend went by in a flash – as they all do. I spent most of last week sick and even had…