And then there was karaoke. Unfortunately there are no pictures or videos to prove that karaoke happened. Womp, womp. Our friend Ryan recognized that the keyboardist (Dottie) from ‘Of Montreal’ (if you don’t know who that is, remember the song from this commercial? that’s them. ha!) was there at the karaoke bar, you know, just singing right along with us common folk. ;] I thought that was pretty fun! We managed to stay out until around 1AM or so, until a guy with the worst singing voice imaginable basically forced us to leave. Ha! After spending two nights on a blow up mattress that deflated in the middle of the night (both nights), I was pretty ready to head home the next morning. Other than the blow up mattress ordeal and stopping at the worst gas station bathroom I have ever been in EVER on the way down… there were no mishaps. ;]

I’m so glad we were able to take this little trip. Nate and I have some of the greatest memories with this group of people and I feel so blessed to call them friends!
**Don’t forget about the giveaway from Happie Reading!! Make sure to enter to win your very own lovely print from Kelsey’s Etsy shop! There’s still time to enter!!**