I ran across a post earlier that I wrote in January of this year. It was only a small paragraph about a few changes I wanted to make within myself – a fleeting thought – as many of my goals tend to be! But as I read it I was filled with a sense of accomplishment.
“This year is about trying new things, going the extra mile, being realistic; but optimistic, and being more accepting of myself. I think I’ll share this little blog space with more people that know me (in the real world), speak my mind more, ask for the things I want. I won’t shy away from new opportunities – even when I’m scared and I can’t tell if they’ll work out or not.”
I did those things in 2012. I didn’t shy away from new opportunities with unpredictable outcomes, I went the extra mile in order to receive those opportunities, I opened myself up by sharing this space with more people I know offline, and even in the midst of all consuming grief I have managed to stay optimistic about the future. I’ve become more accepting of myself in many ways, but I still have a bit to accomplish in this area. Though I think most of us will continue to work on this particular skill most of the days of our lives as we change, grow, and find ourselves continuously faced with new challenges.
Nate and I have so much planned for the upcoming year. I feel like 2013 is our year – fresh and new, not forgetting the sadness or the courage it took to get through 2012 but taking comfort in the fact that we have so much to be thankful for in 2013. We have grown so much since we started our little family in 2010. Together we’ve already accomplished major life goals and sometimes I think it’s easy to forget that we have so much, so early in life. It can be easy to focus on all of the things we could have done even better up to this point and while I want to make sure we move forward and upward from those things, I also just really want to tell my husband how proud I am to be his wife. He is his biggest critic and I want the world to know how well he takes care of us and how motivated he is to beat his personal best in everything that he does. I feel like we are both focused and ready to meet this New Year in every way!
Happy New Years Eve to all of you!