Hey friends! Long time no chat! If you follow me over on Instagram (which you totally should if you don’t – click here!) then you’ve probably already seen this news AND you probably even know the sex of…
This Year I’m Thankful For…
Most of you know by now what baby #2 is so this video will come as no surprise! I wanted to share this footage today though because there is nothing in the world I am more thankful for today, on…
Thoughts on Pregnancy: 21 Weeks + The Anatomy Ultrasound
365 Project 2015: Day 2Nate and I got to see our baby boy again today! We got to see him for a bit longer than usual since this was the 20 week anatomy ultrasound. They showed us every little inch…
Thoughts on Pregnancy: 17 Weeks + A Little Announcement
I mentioned in my post at 16 weeks that Nate and I were going to be finding out the baby’s gender earlier than we originally thought! I just couldn’t wait until February when I knew it was possible to find…