There is still more than a month of winter left – and yet spring is already in the air! And, it is truly never too early to start creating a healthier home for you and your whole family. Fortunately, as the days get longer and the bad weather eases up, taking the necessary steps to improve the health and well-being of our home becomes straightforward, natural. In this guide, we’ll look at six key steps to take today to boost the livability and wellness of your home environment.
Deal With Pests Promptly And Thoroughly
During spring, nature truly comes to life – in more ways than one. Sure, you’ll have the chance to admire colorful flowers in bloom, butterflies, and birds. But you also have a higher risk of dealing with pests, bugs, and infestations! To be better prepared, get in touch in advance with pest control and bed bug extermination companies. So, you’ll know exactly who to call in an emergency!
Minimize Clutter And Tidy Up Your Home
Clutter can have a hugely detrimental impact on your mental and physical health. Clutter, disorganization, and poor personal hygiene can increase your levels of stress and anxiety, lead to concentration issues and irritability, and even heighten the risk of chronic disorders. To instantly create a healthier home, set off on a decluttering project and tide up your living spaces – the benefits of this choice are truly endless!
Create A Livable Outdoor Space
As the days get longer and warmer, there are several home improvement projects you can start. Among those, creating a more livable outdoor space is certainly one of the best ones during the spring months!
Setting up a decking area or veranda can help you develop a sheltered area that can be lived in by your whole family regardless of the weather – and, spending time outdoors can have a beneficial effect on both mental and physical health!
Monitor Indoor Air Quality
Did you know that, according to estimations by the EPA, indoor levels of pollutants may be 2-5 times higher than outdoor levels. Because of this, it is crucial to keep an eye on the quality of your home’s indoor air and take the necessary steps to improve it if necessary. Some key ways to do so include:
- Opening the windows regularly
- Letting fresh air and sunshine in
- Avoiding furniture and other items that contain harsh chemicals
- Learning more of the ingredients of household items and decorations such as candles, textiles, and perfumes.
Look For Alternatives To Harsh Chemicals When Caring For Your Home
As spring approaches, spring cleaning projects are in order! But when doing so, think twice about the effects that harsh chemicals can have on your health and the wellbeing of the whole family! Ideally, consider swapping chemical-based products for natural, homemade ones, which won’t hurt your family, home, or pets!
Plant The Seeds Of A Healthier Lifestyle
Last but not least, as we leave the torpor of winter behind, it’s time to plant the seeds for a healthier lifestyle. Be sure to involve your family in daily activities that are conducive to health, including cooking nutritious meals at home, choosing outdoor hobbies and sports, and engaging in daily physical activity!