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Hello, hello! We’re spending almost all of our time at home these days but our schedule feels so full. I am sure many of you can relate! I think we’re all experiencing our own challenges thanks to COVID and I take comfort in the fact that I’m not alone there. Landon started virtual Kindergarten and I have felt so many emotions. On the one hand, it’s really exciting and neat to be experiencing this HUGE milestone with him in a way that I never expected to be able to. But on the other, it feels incredibly sad to know that there are things he’s missing out on. I have tried and mostly succeeded at finding the silver linings where I can. I know that this isn’t forever.And I have to write in my obligatory “time is flying” sentiments. I can’t believe it’s October. I’ll refrain from going on about not being able to believe that we’re still dealing with COVID the way that we are BUT WOW, this year has gone so fast and slow all at the same time. Our Halloween costumes just came in the mail a few days ago and I am so excited! We aren’t going out trick-or-treating this year but we have plans for a small get-together at a friend’s house. I think the kids will love it! It really feels like fall outside and I am here for it. I have had a lot of my fall decor up for a while and plan to add a little more here and there as we get closer to Halloween. My fall decorations are really giving me all of the nostalgia. We were just entering the fall season when we moved into this house a little over a year ago. I can’t believe it has been a year!
If I have to be stuck anywhere I am thankful it is in this house that suits our needs so well. I think back often on what it would’ve been like to still be living in our old house during the pandemic and of course, it would have been fine – but what a blessing it is to have the space that we have here. I have an office to work from home in, we have space for virtual schooling, I have an aerial silk in the living room (!!!), we have a basement to spread out and play in, as well as outdoor spaces we love. We didn’t have any of those things in our previous home and I’m just very thankful, as someone who really needs to be able to have quiet time and personal space in order to focus and recharge.
Speaking of recharging – I have started to write some things down in my planner that I want to do more of that make me feel like, well, me. Blogging and Vlogging (YouTube) rise to the top of that list every time! I have such an up and down relationship with sharing online. Consistency is key, so they say, and consistency has CONSISTENTLY been difficult for me to manage! Ha! I’ve quit beating myself up about it but I want you all to know that I still love sharing in these spaces. I have a lot of ideas going forward but that isn’t really anything new! Actually utilizing my time efficiently enough to execute said ideas – that’s what I struggle with!
A new vlog just went up today over on my YouTube channel, so make sure to check it out and subscribe! I am trying to be a little less of a perfectionist. I filmed that vlog in September and I found a ton of things wrong with it and several reasons why it wasn’t perfect enough to share but you know what?? I’m sharing it anyway because my life isn’t perfect! Sometimes the lighting is weird or the camera goes out of focus or your bra is showing (hahah) and I mean, welcome to real life.
So I hope to see you all a bit more here in this space and over on YouTube. Or at least when I can gather my thoughts and my cameras to make things happen! It always feels a bit like life throws a wrench into my plans each time I start to feel a twinge of motivation. Virtual school, work schedule, family in the hospital, sick pets – I don’t share the hard things with everyone but it’s always something, isn’t it? Thanks for hanging in there with me, if you have!