I’m giving into my night owl tendencies tonight this morning. It’s 2AM. The past week was – exhausting – physically, mentally, emotionally. It was pure crazy. Friday was the strangest day I’ve had in a long time. I literally felt blindsided by every single thing that happened. Ah! But it’s over now and I’ve been enjoying the freedom of Saturday. The freedom to sleep in later than I meant to, head to the gym, and accidentally show up right on time for Zumba! Y’all – I hadn’t been to Zumba in so long and I had a freaking blast! I used to look forward to going every week but the classes started getting really full and sometimes a different instructor would teach the class. I only really enjoy going if my favorite instructor is there (which I think he is most every Saturday now) and if there is actually room to MOVE. I only have the mental capacity to think about the actual Zumba-ing part so trying to make sure I’m not about to knock someone over at the same time is too much for me. Ha! Today’s class just fell into place and now I can’t wait to start going again!
Day 6 – January 6, 2013 – Sunday in my favorite spot on the couch.
Day 7 – January 7, 2013 – A hair dying experiment with new dye and colors.
Day 8 – January 8, 2013 – Making a batch of my favorite delicious homemade salsa!
Day 9 – January 9, 2013 – Precious Freckles taking a minute to sit by his mama during playtime.
Day 10 – January 10, 2013 – Exhausted.
Day 11 – January 11, 2013 – My favorite scent right now! Vanilla Bean Noel!
Day 12 – January 12, 2013 – Curls and a bow, after my hair refused to look decent any other way.
Lets hope the coming week is a bit less stressful! Between working, the gym, cooking, and sleeping – I’ve been slacking a little on the outfit photos! (Though I do sometimes post “informal” outfit shots on Instagram now and then! Are we friends there yet?!) I’ve still yet to post my favorite outfit/photo session of 2012 due to someone keeping all of the lovely photos she took of me to herself! ;] I do actually plan to do a little round up of my favorites outfits of 2012 simply because I did one the year before and it might be fun to keep it going! I’m always tardy to the party but I have no care!