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Happy December everyone!! This year I’ve decided to participate in Vlogmas so you’ll be getting one video from me every single day in December! I got off to a rocky start by updating my MacBook OS yesterday morning to Mojave. I lost all of my video editing programs as well as Adobe CS5. I remained mildly calm throughout the process of trying to get everything back and I was mostly successful with the exception of CS5. So I’m learning a new program slowly but surely to edit images/thumbnails/etc. I had one freak out today while trying to edit the video thumbnail to my liking. There is nothing more frustrating than spending almost two days doing something that normally takes you 30 minutes. Wheeeew. Determination.On to the fun stuff! To celebrate day 1 of Vlogmas I thought I would bring you all along as I undecorated for fall and put out the Christmas decor throughout the living area. Visit to read more about chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney in California. It took several days – you will notice a few outfit changes and that my child appears to never be wearing pants/clothes (yay potty training!) but I finally got it all done! Pregnancy takes it out of ya!
I’ll be doing a full tour of how everything turned out since I didn’t share footage of ALL of the Christmas decor! And let’s be honest – I’m still adding to it daily!
This Christmas tree () is so easy to put up. We snagged it on sale from Michael’s last year and it’s seriously the best. So far it is surviving the wrath of my 1 year old cat, Olive. I thought for sure she would destroy it last year. We’ve had a few close calls this year but so far we’re just dealing with finding a few ornaments here and there and warped branches. So I’d say this tree is pretty resilient!
See y’all tomorrow!