I’ve been keeping a deep dark secret, friends. But I feel that it’s time that I share it with you. Yes, yes it is. I’ve been living out of this closet for about a year now. Frightening, isn’t it?
Pregnancy took me down a very tired and cranky path. And my house took a backseat to just about everything else I could possibly need to use my energy on. Nate and I kept up with the regular chores that would be, you know, beyond disgusting to ignore. But my closet and our guest bedroom both turned into a pit where things were just being thrown in, possibly never to be seen again. In a fit of huge, pregnant rage I was trying on all of the clothes in my closet and they were never quite making it back onto hangers. I was trying on all my shoes. I was dropping things but I wasn’t able to bend over and pick them up. (Funny now, not so much then.) And eventually it just got out of control. I didn’t want Nate to go through it. So many things needed to go and I wanted to do it all myself but it just wasn’t happening. I was wearing a handful of things that I would pile on to the chair in our room. I wasn’t even going into the closet anymore.
By the time I got the nesting bug, the job was just too large. I couldn’t tackle it. And after I had the baby.. well.. I probably thought I’d get around to it but it never happened.

So this weekend while we were snowed in I decided to take every single thing out of the closet. Something I haven’t done since we moved here almost 6 years ago. I read an article in Martha Stewart Living Magazine about uncluttering your closet and it was just the inspiration I needed. The photos of the closet in the magazine were beautiful and everything in the article could easily be recreated in my space. Of course, mine looks nothing like theirs but maybe at some point I can add some finishing touches here and there to give it that “Pinterest closet” look! At this point I just needed to get it under control!
I have an entire tote of spring clothes to take to Clothes Mentor and possibly to a local consignment shop here in Lexington called Sassy Fox. It feels so, so good to finally move some things out that I know I will never wear with the possibility of making a little bit of money! And my closet is finally organized. Dresses, tops, and bottoms all separated and color coordinated. Sweaters, shorts, and jeans folded on the shelf. Scarves in a cute little basket. Everything has a place! It feels amazing. It feels like I’m shopping in my own closet now!
I’m thinking of buying velvet hangers for a more uniform look and trying out a little DIY project of covering the wire shelving to look like nice white wooden shelves. Any tips for me? Have you ever let a space get this out of control? Oh please, say yes! ;] No judgey comments, y’all. I’m sharing this because real life is messy and it’s okay to to admit it!