Last Wednesday was the start of my Third Trimester and today I am 29 weeks! I’ve been feeling a little out of it for the past week. Not sure what to blame it on. We got snowed in again for a few days and that probably contributed to an overall “blah” mood. Becoming less and less active is probably the biggest contributing factor. I’ve been trying so hard to keep up with the prenatal yoga but I am just truly terrible and keeping myself accountable when it comes to working out at home. I’m hoping that once I get used to the time change and the snow starts to melt a bit I will be able to come up with a good yoga/walking routine that I can stick to. I also *really* need to get a pull up bar! I am determined to keep up some strength in my arms to make it easier on myself when I get back to silks!
This weekend Nate and I will start natural childbirth classes! I’m pretty excited! I’m definitely an anxious person and I like to feel as prepared as possible in all aspects of my life. I love that Nate and I will be able to learn and prepare together. I think it will really give me a sense of calm and I could definitely use that right about now.
We have a lot left on our to-do list and I feel like every weekend comes and goes without any of it getting done. I’m going to have to learn to prioritize the time that I have after work and on the weekends because I swear I’m just going to blink and be holding a baby! There are so many times that I’ve laid on the couch thinking about what I could/should be doing.
Top 10 Items left on my to-do list this month:
1) Finish registries at Babies R Us, Target, and Land of Nod.
2) Purchase car seat.
3) Touch up paint in nursery.
4) Purchase crib mattress.
5) Recover couch in nursery. Fabric has been purchased! I can’t wait to blog about this little project!
6) Purchase decorations for nursery – shelving, plate switch cover, closet organization, blinds, etc.
7) Purchase rug for living room so I can put current rug in nursery.
8) Clean out guest bedroom and make some work space for my Pure Romance “office”.
9) Clean carpets in the entire house.
10) A million other things….
How Far Along Are You: 29 weeks tomorrow!
How Big Is The Baby?: My app still says he is around 2.5-3 lbs.
How Much Weight Have You Gained?: About 20-23 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: I feel like some of my “maternity” clothes are even starting to not fit quite as well.
Stretch Marks: Nope!
Sleep: It just depends on the night! For the most part, I am not sleeping well at all. It may be time to buy a pregnancy pillow and a foam mattress topper. I’ll try anything at this point.
Best Moment This Week: A nap on the couch on Sunday with Nate. Seriously. It was glorious.
Movement: Lots! I love that Nate can see and feel him move so well now!
Food Cravings: I’ve been craving sushi all week. Sounds so good!!
Food Aversions: None. Give me all of the food.
Labor Signs: Nothing!
Belly Button In or Out: Still pretty flat.
What I Miss: Not feeling “blah”. My face looks puffy to me now. It’s not my favorite.
What I’m Looking Forward To: Child birth classes starting this weekend!