When I first found out about the showcase I couldn’t even entertain the thought of being in it. I’m still so new at this. I never want to show anyone something I’m working on until it’s flawless. I take myself public embarrassment very (way too) seriously. But I started to watch the other ladies work on their routines and it looked like so much fun. Everyone was being helpful and encouraging to one another. What was I afraid of? Having fun? Making friends? I decided to put my name down on the list. I changed my song 3 or 4 times, was still putting my routine together long after everyone else, threw a few pity parties at practices, and bought my outfit the day before the show. Yes, yesterday. And tonight I am going to do my best, have fun, and enjoy the experience.
I’ve realized that life is all about the journey. It’s not about getting from point A to point B as fast as possible. It’s not about trying something new and being immediately fantastic at it. It’s about persistence, hard work, and confidence. It’s about realizing that wasting time comparing yourself to anyone else will crush your spirit faster than anything. It’s about starting at point A and appreciating everything it takes to get to point B.
Wish me luck tonight!